March St, Burnley, BB12 0BU

01282 454 473

Stoneyholme Nursery School with Forest School

Laying the foundations for life-long learning - Tel: 01282 454473

Early years pupil premium


From April 2015, nurseries, schools, childminders and other childcare providers will be able to claim extra funding through the Early Years Pupil Premium for three and four year old children to support children’s development, learning and care. The early years pupil premium gives money to providers so they can make sure eligible children have the best possible outcomes when they start school and beyond. We know that the early years count and the extra funding may be life-changing for many of these children. We would encourage any parent who meets the eligibility criteria to let the school know. If you are unsure the school will support you in completing a form to check your eligibility using the government criteria.

We can use the extra funding to improve the quality of the early years education that we provide for your child. This could include for example additional training for our staff on early language, investing in partnership working with our colleagues in the area to further our expertise or supporting our staff in working on specialised areas such as speech and language.

We will use our Pupil Premium funding to improve levels of communication and Language, in particular identify vulnerable children who may need support with speech and language development. We will spend the money on employing a qualified Speech therapist who will work with parents, their children and staff over this period. In addition to this we will ensure that we spend this money to develop children's vocabulary through imaginative play. We will purchase appropriate resources to meet the aims of both these projects.

Our Early Years Pupil Premium Strategy is available for parents on request and will give parents more detailed information on how the school will use the EYPP to improve outcomes for the most vulnerable groups of children. Please help us to give these children the best start possible.


 EYPP Pupil_premium_strategy_statement SNS 2022-2023.pdfDownload
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